From my mail box
Bon nochi, awe mi colega MinFec Xiomara y ami a cuminsa cu e trabounan pa reforma di belasting, y a reuni cu departamentonan di gobierno. E intencion ta pa simplifica nos sistema di belasting, hasi’e mas husto y asina elimina e crisisheffing y crea progreso y bienestar pa tur cuidadano. Na caminda pa un sistema di belasting mas husto y simpel. Un fuerte abraso, Evelyn
Good evening, today my colleague MinFec Xiomara and me are starting to work on a tax reform, together with GOA’s department heads. The intention is to simplify our tax system, make it more just/fair, eliminate the crisis levy, and create progress and wellbeing for our citizens. We’re on the road to fair and simple taxation. Big hug Evelyn
I asked around what does the MinPres mean:
Tax advisor: I think VAT or another kind of sales tax, and simpler wage and income tax
Hotelier: She used to be the SIAD manager – not that she managed too well, but at least she knows enough about taxes and the challenge of collecting – she might come across with a solution – or borrow the one from former MinFin Angel Bermudez and tax advisor Hans Ruiter.
(I later found out the indeed PWC submitted a paper, filled with suggestions.)
Tax Advisor who thinks I am stupid, and don’t understand what is being said in Papiamento: This is just a message to let you know that work started today on the fiscal reform to eliminate the crisis levy. The fiscal reform should lead to a more distributed and fair tax system which will lead to progress for every citizen of Aruba. This is my translation of the text…
A former SIAD department Head: Precisely what she says…simplification of tax laws…start praying. The moment you hear belasting husto in Aruba…fair tax…fair for whom?
Member of the business community: I sure as hell hope so. One tax at the border. Like in Bonaire. Would work for everyone. Everyone pays. Right now, the majority pays ZERO and the rest 40%.
Tax Advisor: Everybody has suggestions, question finally will be what GOA will actually do, Evelyn is a tax lawyer herself so she will also have her own opinion, we will probably shift from direct to indirect taxes but then again this is what I would do!