BATI BLEKI BUZZ, December 6th, 2015

T.H. Palm & Company hosts the 12th annual Girls’ Night Out event

The annual shopping night at the beautiful store, streetside at Playa Linda Beach Resort enjoyed the support of many customers who dropped in for a holiday gift preview, cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and great social interaction.

For the 12th edition of Girls’ Night out, famous Chef Bas Kuuestra prepared some delicious butler-passed treats and forager Frank Kelly concocted a rum and avocado libation, garnished with local edible flowers. Jodi Tobman and the Salamander Group family wished all guests good health and good times during the holiday season and the coming year and thanked them for making T.H. Palm & Company their preferred shopping destination, thus continuously supporting the company’s corporate responsibility program, Tikkun Olam, earmarking a percentage of sales to making a difference in the community.

The Tikkun Olam program has been making annual donations to not-for-profit organizations for the past 8 years. Beneficiary foundations are among others: Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds voor de Kankerbestrijding op Aruba, Fundacion pa Hende Muhe den Dificultad, Bon Nochi Drumi Dushi Aruba, Telefon pa Hubentud Aruba, Fundacion Autismo Aruba and Atelier 89. The program, named after an ancient Kabala concept which translates from Hebrew as “the Repair of the World,” supports local organizations working on behalf of kids, adults and the elderly.

The way the fund-raising works is the following: Each client shopping at the Salamander Group stores is asked to choose between a number of good causes, on the receiving end of a percentage of his purchase.

Donations are presented annually, and regardless of the state of the world’s economy or the state of the island’s economy, the Salamander Group associates and its members of management forge on, collecting funds for causes they strongly believe in, in accordance to their Repair of the World philosophy.

Pictured here the happy crowd of invitees, at the 12th annual Girls’ Night Out event. Each guests received a gift at the end of the evening, a simple silver bangle, engraved with the words: Aruba Ta Mi. “As you use the gift,” says Jodi,” know that you join us in spreading the message of gratitude, and immense pride, that we at T.H. Palm & Company share for being privileged to be part of this beautiful island community.”


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December 05, 2015
Rona Coster