ATIA hosts successful event at Patio 15

Yesterday was a kind of normal day, ATIA hosted a cocktail party, facemasks optional, and then I joined some friends at Gloria, Movies, Dining Entertainment, for the premier of James Bond’s, No Time to Die, a brand new 2021 spy film and the 25th in the James Bond series, imagine.

Which one was your favorite?

The movie stars a mature Daniel Craig, sexy but a bit plastic, it is his fifth and final outing as the fictional British MI6 agent, famed 007. This is the end of the franchise as we know it, but there is hope. A little girl with blue eyes, appears at the end of the movie, making me think we might be treated to a female 007 in the future.

But let’s start with ATIA. The business community showed up for the social mixer and was well treated by the Patio 15 crew and by generous sponsors, Romar, beer & wines.

The Aruba Trade and Industry Association, is 75 years old, one of the oldest organizations on the island and director Herrick E. Henriquez, who took ATIA over from Michelle de Groot, had the pleasure to welcome his guests, describe his charter and talk about his revamped vision for the future. He is about to reinvent ATIA.

Just the way Patio 15 reinvented the old yellow casita.

The new Minister of Economic Affair, Geoffrey B. Wever also in charge of Communications & Sustainable Development, MinAEC&DS ??, arrived escorted by Gerald Kock, his advisor, former UA, former Economic Affairs. Wever did not circulate the space, like an old-school politician, he stayed off center until it was his turn for the Q&A with Henriquez.

The new minister said all the rights things, he is dynamic, energetic, and will be tested, because the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

His vision? It will be defined shortly, and made public, together with all other ministries. Red Tape? He is out to eliminate it. Reforms? He is on them like white on rice.

He will consult the business community BEFORE implementing draconian measures. Then he circulated among party-goers, all night, taked to many, smiled, exchange information and seemed to enjoy it.

It will be interesting because, in Aruba, nothing moves, even with the pandemic, severe financial pressures, Dutch pressure, nothing moves. GOA never talks about core issues, the burdensome overhead, the bad education, and lack of waste management, millions in health care, shaky infrastructure asset management.

A recent article I read called it a Gray Rhino, highly-likely disasters, with high impact, that are a matter of when, not if. Gray Rhinos come charging, when you miss the big picture, then suddenly you realize it’s coming at YOU, full speed.

ATIA is an employers’ organization that represents the interests of entrepreneurs. Henriquez has been Senior Examiner Prudential Supervision at the Central Bank of Aruba for the past seven years.

ATIA is currently chaired by Frank Snijders.

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October 01, 2021
Rona Coster