At La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino, The Resort’s Twenty-Fifth Silver Anniversary Celebrated at The Chit Chat Café

Eagle Beach — A recent informal celebration at the associate cafeteria marked the resort’s 25th anniversary, with cake and fruit punch. La Cabana Beach Resort & Casino held a public concert in August to commemorate the occasion, but again celebrated it with a festive lunch this week.
Managing a resort of 449 rooms is definitely a daily undertaking and over the years La Cabana has faced small and large challenges of varying nature, from financial to legal, managerial and organizational. However, it always made it a point to keep its people, as the main focus. The heart of the resort beats for its associates and guests, and management always believed that if you treat associates right, they will in turn treat guests the same way, and even better.
With more than 60% of the associates enjoying more than 15 years of service, and others celebrating their 25th anniversary with the resort, La Cabana is blessed with a solid and loyal associates’ base, as well as local and international members.
Rewarded over the years with several Shoco awards, Interval International Premier status awards, a Hall of Fame award from Trip Advisor, and the EarthCheck Platinum Award, La Cabana is currently ranked high in the top 10 regional time share resorts.
With values such as CARE, LOYALTY, APPRECIATION and PASSION, the wellbeing and development of associates and guests are maintained as primary concerns, while the resort continues delivering exceptional service in support of the island’s tourism economy.
Proud of its 25th anniversary as a stable and independent local resort with incredible people, management and staffers thank the people of Aruba for their many contributions to the silver anniversary.

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September 28, 2015
Rona Coster