As far as Aruba is concerned we did not gain anything from the re-opening of the border

We all saw Tareck Zaidan El Aissami Maddah, Vice President of Venezuela since January 2017, in a photo opportunity with the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs Stef Blok, as they signed the agreement to re-open the border with Venezuela and lift the air and sea blockade.

(Please do not forget that El Aissami has faced allegations of participating in corruption, money laundering, and drug trafficking all of which he denies, including terrorism-sponsoring allegations).

But, yes, they signed an agreement, smiled, gave speeches, I listened carefully, they are not saying anything specific, just vowing to have each other’s back, to curtail smuggling, contraband, and human trafficking.

What exactly happened to bring the blockage on, on Jan 6th, and what exactly were the concessions to reopen the border, we don’t know.

The masses are kept in the dark.

An important aspect of the meeting was the statement released by Blok, that all migrants must be returned to Venezuela, deported back to where they came from because they do not meet the UN refuge criteria, they left their country for economic reasons, they are not political refugees.

As far as Aruba is concerned we did not gain anything from the re-opening the border. We will again have plane loads of illegals arriving here instead of just boat loads.

For avocado, and tomatoes we can turn to the Dominican Republic.

Why would we want the frontier with a dictatorial country in crisis, open?

Wanna travel there? You can travel, no problem, via Panama, maybe, or Colombia, for now.

One thing is clear. Venezuela is in dxxp sxxt.

The country is being plundered by its elite, under Cuban mercenary protection. The Cuban paid soldiers stand guard while the country’s wealth is being siphoned away into foreign bank accounts owned by top level Venezuelan officials.

Roberto Rincon was just one example. He got caught and is now in Houston awaiting sentencing, with a bracelet around his ankle. He did reach an understanding with the FEDS, spilling his guts, and as a result, five top guys were arrested for making shady deals. With some of the oil guys in jail, Venezuela is now focusing on gold smuggling.

But here again, the problem lies in Venezuela, where its own people steal millions.  We think that smuggling gold bars is as difficult as illegally selling an oil tanker with crude — both involve the underworld and crazy manipulations.

From Rainbow Warriors, receive on my WhatsApp

April 7, 2018. Oranjestad, Aruba, Dutch Caribbean.
The general human rights violations, mining of rule of law and democratic institutions, wholesale destruction of society, infrastructure, economy, natural resources, natural ecosystems, destruction of all historic and cultural heritage reflecting democratic Venezuela, land grabbing of tribal lands of 200 plus indigenous peoples in Arco Minero whose future has been stolen from them, forcing them to  work as modern slaves in (illegal)  mining of gold signify a humanitarian crisis of gargantuan proportions is playing out in Venezuela.
The current state of public health, safety and food security in Venezuela have this country blessed with an abundance of natural and mineral resources descending into an abyss from which escape is virtually impossible unless the sleeping giant that is the United Nations and its natural counterpart, the international community also awake from its slumber and start to address the Venezuelan crisis which is spiraling out of control.
The United Nations expects by voice of the UNHCR  the neighboring countries of Venezuela, many of which are Small Island Developing States to prepare for a massive influx of  refugees.
The Caribbean nations, Colombia, Panama and Brazil cannot be expected to absorb the possibly millions of migrants and /or refugees without paying a hefty domestic price in terms of the destabilizing impacts on infrastructure and economies.
The United Nations, Organization of American States and the European Union and the United Kingdom the latter two with strong historical and economic ties with Caribbean island nations must assume their responsibility and address the causes of the Venezuelan crisis.
They must also acknowledge and address the strong political engineering,  coordination and even military presence of the Cuban State in all affairs Venezuelan.
Being tough on the Communist regime in Caracas without being tough on the obvious and well known and documented maneuvering from Havana will not solve the Venezuela Crisis.
The current UN stance on  Venezuela violates the very safeguards and protective measures that must be upheld in accordance and by virtue of the vulnerable status accorded to Small Island Developing States.
The UN and European Union must address the Venezuelan crisis by also addressing Cuban State interference and the UN and UNHCR must recognize and acknowledge the special vulnerable status of Small Island Developing States when considering the flow of migrants and/or refugees to neighboring countries of Venezuela.
The most obvious solution to stemming the flow of migrants and refugees is to eliminate the very reasons why Venezuelans flee their country in the first place.  It is with this eliminating of the root causes of the Venezuelan crisis that Rainbow Warriors Core Foundation, a global organization dedicated to sustainable development and human rights of Small Island Developing States and peoples in particular, with statutory seat in Aruba, will launch a global campaign to tackle and eliminate the Venezuelan crisis.

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April 09, 2018
Rona Coster