Arion Wine Company celebrates 20 years

In honor of its upcoming Platinum Anniversary,  Arion wine company is looking forward to celebrate with its many clients, friends and fans the important achievement of being in business on Aruba for two decades.

The multi-faceted celebration schedule, November 7th to 10th, includes the appearances of a surprise celebrity guest, an author, lecturer and world-class authority on wines and food Jancis Robinson and an equally knowledgeable wine and food columnist Nick Lander, both writers for the prestigious Financial Times.

Among other planned occasions, a lecture aimed to delight and inform 40 select university students. The interactive lecture will take place at the Arion Wine Company’s headquarters.

The following day, a trade-seminar will be held in a hotel ballroom, targeting more than 100 local tourist-industry professionals, who will be meeting the celebrity guests, for an information and knowledge exchange.

Over the past twenty years, Arion Wine Company has carefully nurtured a close relationship with fans of great wines, and in order to bring exclusive brands closer to consumers, H&H, an elegant wine store, in Ponton, was inaugurated in 2019. H&H will host a lively cocktail party, open to the public, to allow its clients an opportunity to meet the celebrity guests. Robinson’s books will be available, an opportunity to get one of personally signed and dedicated.

The anniversary celebration will culminate with a charity dinner, at Azia Restaurant & Lounge with guests of honor Jancis Robinson and Nick Lander on November 10th, 18:30. The 6-course dinner with wine pairing, and an exciting silent auction is a fund raiser for a Health Promotion Foundation. The delicious menu will be paired with a special wine selection. For tickets contact: [email protected]

“We wanted to mark our anniversary with a mix of events, educational, charitable and fun, and we think we strike the right note here, reaching university students, our clients and the island’s community of foodies,” says Govert van der Hout, who twenty years ago, gained the confidence of Eric Wente, the CEO of Wente Vineyards, to become the first brand distributed by the just-born Arion Wine Company.

Today, Arion Wine Company is proud of its extensive portfolio of brands, a mix of Old and New World, traditional and innovative. The company delivers consistent quality, tracks changing trends, shares them, and is proud of storing its wines in a state of the art facility.

The company’s name, Arion, derive from Greek Mythology where the charming youth Arion, sang the praise of Dionysus, the god of wine and pleasure, who in turn sent a pod of dolphins to save Arion from drowning, when thieves threw him overboard his ship, attempting to rob his riches.

The image of the boy, Arion, riding a dolphin, stuck with my mom, Govert explains, and that is what we called the company, figuring it’s smart to partner with the god of wine and pleasure.

Over the past 13 years, the company has also organized an annual charity golf tournament in collaboration with Wente Vineyards and Papiamento Restaurant, giving generously back to the community, supporting many local charities.

Congratulations, Arion. It will be a November to remember.

For more information call tel.: 297 583 3325 or visit the website at,

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November 06, 2023
Rona Coster