Agreement signed

As far as I understand Serlimar trucks loaded with household trash were lining up at the locked EcoGas gate on Wednesday, waiting for their management to wake up and sign the agreement – whatever that was. It took a few hours but toward the end of the day work was resumed as the agreement was inked, and the Serlimar trucks were able to disgorge their delicious content – after sitting in the hot sun all day!

As modeled by GOA, there is no sense of urgency about anything on the island. Agreement? We need to sign it? We’ll get it it eventually!

The judge in the Parkietenbos court case visited the location recently, found no fault with the EcoGas, ecobale operation at Seroe Techi, no obnoxious smells, and will be issuing a verdict in the near future.

One woman warrior Anouk Balentina has been escalating her efforts to get GOA to move on the Parkietenbos public health hazard, and asked for the court’s assistance. The waiting game continues.    

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August 21, 2020
Rona Coster