A visit to Royal Aruba Aloe

I was among the people waiting for the royals to arrive for a visit at Royal Aruba Aloe. We congregated in the store, filled with anticipation, and watched the spectacle outside as kindergarten kids, royalty-watchers, students from the school across the street, and random curious onlookers waved Dutch and Aruban flags, taking pictures and basking in the glow of the moment. The police was on high alert, the Dutch and local photographers fighting for the best spot to snap the winning picture. It was exciting.

The royal visit to the Caribbean part of the Dutch Kingdom unfolded this week, as King Willem Alexander, Queen Máxima and the Princess of Orange, Amalia, visited here in order to introduce the Princess of Orange to the Caribbean countries within her future reign, highlighting culture, nature, colonial past, defense efforts, sports and encounters with locals.

They arrived by at Royal Aruba Aloe with their entourage in brand new buses. They were received with flowers on the red carpet and escorted on a tour of the museum first, then viewed the production line from the cat walk suspended over the factory floor, and later admired the Aloe fields. They took a moment to experience Aloe infused body scrub making, the one offered daily to any other visitor.

The fashion police was happy to note that Princess Amalia wore the right shade of green, in honor of the Aloe plant.

Earlier last year, in the presence of Aruba’s governor, ministers, and special guests, Aruba Aloe revealed its new logo and name: Royal Aruba Aloe, with a crown insignia added to the brand’s logo.

This change was affected by a Royal Decree: The company was bestowed the Royal predicate by his majesty King Willem-Alexander, representing more than 100 years of excellence. What we used to call Aruba Aloe Balm became the very first company in the Caribbean within the Dutch Kingdom to receive such a distinction, which symbolizes the respect, admiration, and trust that the King has for the company.

General Director Remko van der Veldt served as tour leader, taking the royals on the inspection tour, introducing them to company history, as outlined in the new museum, and to its fine line of products.

A gift would be later sent to their hotel, courtesy of the management and employees. This was the third of forth royal visit. One took place during the Millennium, then two visits during the decade that followed. I saw young Queen Maxima for the first time, when she visited Aruba Aloe as a young bride, in the early 2000.

The museum remake was just finished on time for the visit, it outlines the history of aloe in the world from as early on as Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, then an entire room is dedicated to the evolution of the Aruba Aloe company, over the past century.

In 1890, Cornelis Eman started the Aloe Vera business, after which Keesi Eman, Jani Eman, and finally Henny Eman continued the legacy. The Eman family directed the company for 110 years, transforming it from a commercial company into a venture that sells personal-care products utilizing 100% pure gel from the aloe vera plant harvested by Aruban farmers.

In the year 2000, Louis A. Posner took charge of the company for Henny Eman, investing in developing the company at an international level while also expanding its footprint locally. In 2014, Onno Jr. van Romondt joined the company as the second shareholder/investor, and together they continued expanding Aruba Aloe. Currently, Aruba Aloe has 17 stores on the island, and products made in the local  Aruba factory are exported to more than 55 countries around the world.

The second phase of the museum, now under development, will tell the story of the fine quality products originated and researched here.

Royal Aruba Aloe’, a proud Aruban company, an achievement honoring the local industry, the island’s history, economy, reputation and attraction.

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February 03, 2023
Rona Coster