October 10th was Mental Health Day, and the entire month has been buzzing with posts and events surrounding this topic. A topic that hits home for me. I have struggled with mental health myself, depressed and swallowing antidepressants on and off since my teens.
At present, I have my depression well under control, but sometimes I have to check in with myself, when confronted by triggers. But by now, I have learned how to breathe so that I do not react. That’s my go to action: breathing. Taking time to breath 10 deep and slow breaths to bring my heart rate down, gets my focus back. Something all good people of this world have heard a million times, and guess what….. it works. Ahh, if youth only knew!
So naturally I attended some of this month’s events and clicked “like” on the quotes and pictures on social media inviting me to give myself a moment to think about…… Mental Health.
Last week I attended an event, let’s call it Prioritizing Mental Health. Yawn. It felt like a copy/paste PowerPoint presentation urging me to take time to exercise, talk to friends, and it showcased some very boring Google images with the 3 lobes of the brain associated with making wise decisions vs. flying off the handle. I appreciated the live music that followed, although it dragged on too much and after a long day at work, I did not feel any more awake or inspired hearing a Yogi recite regurgitated words and sentences that were not original at all.
Where am I going with this? I am getting at Levi Silvanie.
Last night I attended his session titled Mental Health Panel Conversation. He is on island to do his School Tour project, and speak to several of us in groups; last night’s session was for Parents and Educators. What a refreshing event. Tired again from working all day, honestly, I went in for the music, but came out empowered, inspired and a head full of brewing thoughts of how I am an amazing person!
First, I took a journey into Levi’s journey, the brief and not boring story of his life changing moment in 2020 when he recognized that he had to make the choice to either live or die. Then I melted into my chair listening to the words and melodies of his songs, The Album Experience. Afterwards he spoke to and with us participants, and last, Dorelis Werleman, our bright and beautiful local psychologist joined the conversation. I listened and captured some very key messages, which I mentally jotted down:
-Pivotal moments in my life when I gathered all my strength to accomplish beautiful things
-Enlightening means to take my light and turn someone else’s on
-Answers and inspiration are closer to me than I thought they were
-Set the mood at my work particularly, so that I can work with joy
-be creative; here I noted that I am on track, note to self to continue to do exactly what I am doing!
-One size does not fit all – it’s ok that I am here sometimes, but not there other times
-Honor the place I am in and be proud of who I am
Sounds easy? It is. All these messages are now in ink on paper. Levi left me enlightened. Can’t wait to share it with my dear ones. Mission accomplished, Levi!